
What Grace looks like...


What happens when we pray? Sometimes my prayers sound more like a lame speech than an inspiring conversation. Sometimes I get sick of hearing myself babble on…sometimes my prayers center around what I need…Not going to lie, most times.
            I had a recent conversation with a friend about how she had trouble asking God for specific things. I laughed to myself recognizing that I happened to be the queen of self centered praying. But when I began to think, I realized that a lot of people struggle with the heart of the matter. Deep down their questions sound like, “Am I worthy enough?” or “Hasn’t He already given me His life?” “ I’m just not good enough to receive from Him.”
            You see, the funny thing about grace is that you were never worthy and nothing you can do will ever change that. Sorry to depress you, but sometimes we just need to open our hands and accept the gift of grace for what it is…a gift. A gift that we don’t deserve or could ever earn in our own striving. My son understands at four years old that I love him regardless of his worst behavior. He doesn’t question my love or second-guess the gifts I give him. He’s secure in my love and I think I can learn from him in this area.
            We recently shared with our son that we were in need of a house and we asked him to join us in praying. Without question of logistics, budget or an explanation of what we were looking for, he folded his sweet hands and began to pray a bold prayer, and that house came…3 bedrooms, stainless steel appliances, playroom and a plush yard. And he didn’t stop there folks…because that boy wanted a swing set and He knew where to go with his request. Those prayers were uttered again in complete confidence and four people were stirred to donate to the fund and that lumber was delivered prophetically. Last minute his grandfathers decided to make an executive decision to haul the lumber to their workshop and preassemble it and when that swing-set returned to our home, it wasn’t in as many pieces but rather a large unit. A seemingly insignificant detail, but this mama heart was in awe because a four year olds prayer came back to my memory. That boy didn’t just pray for a swing-set but he prayed that it wouldn’t come in a box but “be picked up and dropped into his yard.” His dad and I just laughed and now we rejoice, because God reveals himself in the details, because the God of the universe cares about the requests of a four year old. The God of miracles sees it fit to use a stack of lumber to reveal his glory. Just like a father who lavishes his son with great gifts, not because his son is special but because he is his son. A newborn does nothing to gain our love, but from the second their lungs fill with air, we would give our own life for them. They belong to us and we can’t help but give them our everything.
            The same friend who struggled with praying bold prayers told me about a sweet moment between her and her daughter at her daughter’s birthday party. She explained in detail about how her daughter had looked forward to her princess party and snow white dress for weeks. She explained that when it was time for the party and she walked her daughter to her room to get ready that her daughter smiled, trembled and beamed as she clutched her party dress. Her mom recounts the moment as priceless, totally worth the hours planning, hosting a backyard full of guests and cleaning up the aftermath. In her words, “that moment made it all worth it.” And I couldn’t help but think…”that’s exactly what God thinks about us!” Because even when we think our dirty rags disqualify us, all God sees is our beautiful dress, and he actually delights in giving us good gifts. I’m no prosperity preacher by any means, but what if our view of God limits us from experiencing His fullness? What if we treated God like He was just another character out to judge us or punish us? Grace doesn’t hold a list of wrongs over our head; grace invites us to the party. Grace makes a prodigal the guest of honor. Grace invites a prostitute to the table. Grace offers a sinner a way off the cross. The Bible is full of failures…it just so happens to be the ones that accept the grace that become the heroes.
            So pray bold prayers…Think like a parent. The way you love your children fiercely is only multiplied in God’s love for you. Accept the grace and allow Him to use you to the fullest. Stop striving to earn a gift you’ve already been lavished with freely. And last but not least…Rock that party dress! 

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