
To all my fellow mamas...

This Mother's Day if I could pass along any wisdom from my mere breath of motherhood experience I would say, relax mama...breathe... It's entirely normal to feel in over your head most days and moments. It's normal to second guess, to labor over every decision far after you've left the maternity ward, to lose your junk in the grocery store or cry in the bathroom at the end of a long day. Keeping us in this constant state of pure joy and beautiful chaos is Gods way of allowing us to experience a glimpse into His kingdom. Messy and mundane yet sacred and holy. Take off your shoes! Raising littles is exhausting and tedious, you won't receive a badge of honor for how clean your house is, you won't gain any accolades for elaborate craft sessions, or get five star ratings for your lunch making skills. Serve anyway! Love fiercely! Pursue your children even after you've lost your cool in the middle of Target. I'm convinced they won't remember even half of what we hold onto stressing over, but will always cherish the times we let go. Let go of our own expectations, reveled in their belly laughs and sticky fingerprints, snuggled at bedtime, rolled in the grass...They will always see us as beautiful even in our yoga pants and messy hair. They will see us at our worst and love us regardless. They will lavish grace extravagantly more than we could ever gift ourselves. See children are a blessing, even if the world fails to recognize their value, and there is a reason the Bible tells us to become like a child. How blessed we are to see tangible forms of Gods grace in these small exhausting creatures. A glimpse of His glory earth side. Cherish these times, stress less, be aware of holy moments, they are everywhere if we slow down to breathe them in. God is for you, He doesn't shame your mistakes, but calls you to rest and rely on His strength.
 On my fridge amidst the messy kitchen, dirty dishes, and discarded Lego trail is a reminder that I read every day when I begin to crumble under the pressure of mothering. 

"My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in your weakness." 

Feel overwhelmed, unqualified, in over your head? Perfect...your right where God wants you. Rely on His strength, listen for His whispers amidst the chaos, seek His presence, and you won't go wrong. Your children may never witness a perfect mother, but they will witness a broken mother transformed by relentless grace, and that right there is the gospel. Gods glory wrapped in the everyday struggle between breakfast and bath time! To all my fellow got this! Your position is irreplaceable, your role is more than a maid, chef or chauffeur, you are called, chosen as God's number one choice for the children He has placed in your arms. Don't for a second dismiss your calling, and don't dare forget He holds you in the delicate grasp of His sovereign hands. Be encouraged this Mother's Day and the days to follow, whether weary, weathered or worn out, you are treasured, you are important and every small act of service you contribute to your family is an eternal investment into the kingdom of God. You are irreplaceable,valued and cherished. Keep rocking this motherhood thing, you are not alone...we are in this together! I only wish I could hug each and every weary mama and tell them their doing an amazing job. For now, take these words as a virtual pep talk, remember them when it's witching hour and your husband is working late, or when your toddler pushes your buttons for the fifteenth time that day. Remember them when your weekly shower turns into a crying session, or when you feel shamed by another mom at the playground. And if you remember nothing else, remember this...from veteran moms who have gone before me... One day in the future when you find your house eerily quiet and clean, no more signs of sticky footprints or trails of plastic dinosaurs, you will miss these exhausting moments. Cherish every heart wrenching second! 

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